Friday, July 27, 2012

Learn 7 animation secrets to effectively communicate your message
Learn 7 unique secrets to use animations in your presentation from the expert for effectively communicating your message. Robert Lane, a presentation expert and founder of Aspire Communications, is here once again to teach you seven unique animation strategies in a FREE one-hour webinar.
In his last webinar on how to make visually engaging PowerPoint presentations, Robert Lane explained how to create visually interactive presentations and hold audiences’ attention throughout the presentation delivery.
Robert Lane has applied his lifelong fascination with science to the study of visually interactive digital communication, with a focus on rich media-based PowerPoint presentations. He has also trained speakers and presentation professionals within organizations around the world, large and small.
In the webinar, you’ll learn:
How to use animations to persuasively communicate your message
Seven unique animation strategies and their effective use while delivering a presentation
How to create dynamic navigation menus to easily access information
Robert Lane is also the author of well-known books: Relational Presentation: A Visually Interactive Approach and Selling Visually with PowerPoint. Learn more about Robert from here.
Get started with the webinar
Day:Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Time:9.00 AM Pacific Time (August 8, 2012 - 11.00 AM CST; 9.30 PM IST)
Duration:1 hour
Click here to attend the live webinar (Note: No registration required)
(if the above link does not work, then you can copy the url given below and paste it to your address bar)
