Friday, February 17, 2012


 The 41st Annual Conference -
2012 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2012)
Pittsburgh, PA, USA September 10-13, 2012

Sponsored by
 The International Association for Computers and Communications (IACC)
In cooperation with The University of Pittsburgh, USA

The International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) provides a forum
for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present
their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed

ICPP 2012 will be focused on 3 crosscutting themes:
(1) Disruptive Technologies (Multicore/Manycore, Accelerators, Clouds),
(2) Data-Intensive Computing and
(3) Green Computing.

The meeting will be organized around the following tracks:
 = Architecture
 = Algorithm Design and Parallelism
 = Programming Models, Languages & Environments
 = Networking and Communication
 = Performance Modeling and Evaluation
 = Compilers and Run-Time Systems
 = Applications

Paper Submission:
 Paper submissions should be formatted according to the IEEE standard double-
 column format with a font size 10 pt or larger. Each paper is strictly limited
 to 10 pages in length. Submissions should represent original, substantive
 research results. We will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission,
 is under review for or has already been published (or accepted) for publication
 in another conference or journal venue. See the conference website for electronic
 paper submission instructions.

Important Dates:
March 02, 2012 Paper Submission Deadline
June 01, 2012 Author Notification
July 06, 2012 Final Manuscript Due

Workshops with more narrowly focused scope will be held from September 10th to
13th. Proposals should be submitted to the Workshops Co-Chairs, Pavan Balaji
( and Heshan Lin ( by November 1, 2011.

Proceedings of the conference and workshops will be published in CD format and
will be available at the conference. For Further Information please contact:
Manish Parashar, Rutgers University,

Organizing & Program Committees General Chair:
- Wu-chun Feng, Virginia Tech, USA

Program Chair:
- Manish Parashar, Rutgers Univ., USA

Program Vice-Chairs:
- Architecture
- Hiroshi Nakashima, Kyoto Univ., Japan
- Algorithms Design and Parallelism
- Srinivas Aluru, Iowa State Univ., USA
- Programming Models, Languages and Environments
- Thierry Priol, INRIA, France
- Compilers and Runtime Systems:
- Barbara Chapman, Univ. of Houston, USA
- Xipeng Shen, William & Mary, USA
- Networking and Communications
- Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Labs., USA
- Guihai Chen, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., China
- Performance Modeling and Evaluation
- Krishna Kant, National Science Foundation, USA
- David Lowenthal, Univ. of Arizona, USA
- Applications
- David Abramson, Monash Univ., Australia

Workshops Co-Chairs:
- Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Lab, USA
- Heshan Lin, Virginia Tech, USA

Awards Co-Chairs:
 - Guang R. Gao, Univ. of Delaware, USA
 - Yu-Chee Tseng, Nat. Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan

 Publications Chair:
 - Feng Qin, Ohio State University, USA


Ethel ChuaJoy Ong
Chair, Software Technology Department
College of Computer Studies
De La Salle University - Manila

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