Friday, February 20, 2015

1st Cyber Tech Expo

Part 2: CCSE Exhibit
           Feb. 26, 2015  12:00-5:00NN
           LOA Lounge (front of OSA)
           Chair: Engr. Wendell Perez

                              Nature of Exhibit:
                                        BSIT & BSCS Thesis Projects
                                        BSCpE Thesis Projects
                                        Digital Arts
                                        Logic Design Projects
                                        Logo Making Contest

          Programming Competition
          Feb. 26, 2015 1-2PM
          Chair: Prof. Paul Louisse del Campo & Prof. Regie C. Ellana

                                        Java Programming           
                                        C++ / C Programming      
                                        Web Development             c/o Sir Paw
          Disassembly/Assembly Competition
          Feb. 26, 2015 1-2PM
          HW Lab -211
          Chair: Prof. Dexter Dio

          Networking Competition
          Feb. 26, 2015 2-3PM
          Chair: Prof. Dexter Dio

          Structural Cabling Competition
          Feb. 26, 2015 3-4PM
          Chair: Prof. Cris Calitina

PC Troubleshooting Competition
          Feb. 26, 2015 4-5PM
          Chair: Prof. Dexter Dio

          Typing Wizard
          Feb. 26, 2015 2-3PM
          Chair: Engr. Cris Calitina

          Quiz Bee
          Feb. 26, 2015 1-2PM

          Chair: Prof. Julie Pecho

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